Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mass rally against corruption

Since the independence India has been ruled by many political parties but no one has able to put restriction on corruption. The mushroom growth of corruption has engulfed whole India and no political parties have ever tried to restrict it. Now the common people or the citizens of India wants a change and therefore, come out in the streets to support Anna Hazare, who have stood against corruption.
It is a historic movement when people from every nook and corner have joined their hands to protest against corruption. The common people who have been harassed in every stage of their life are expressing their anger by supporting Anna Hazare to formulate the Jan Lokpal Bill. The political leaders are expressing various opinions against the bill, where the main point of corruption is being buried. This is the right time for the government to understand, why the people in such a huge number have come out to support Anna Hazare. The government need to understand the mindset of the common people, who have been suffered since ages due corruption.

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