Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mass rally against corruption

Since the independence India has been ruled by many political parties but no one has able to put restriction on corruption. The mushroom growth of corruption has engulfed whole India and no political parties have ever tried to restrict it. Now the common people or the citizens of India wants a change and therefore, come out in the streets to support Anna Hazare, who have stood against corruption.
It is a historic movement when people from every nook and corner have joined their hands to protest against corruption. The common people who have been harassed in every stage of their life are expressing their anger by supporting Anna Hazare to formulate the Jan Lokpal Bill. The political leaders are expressing various opinions against the bill, where the main point of corruption is being buried. This is the right time for the government to understand, why the people in such a huge number have come out to support Anna Hazare. The government need to understand the mindset of the common people, who have been suffered since ages due corruption.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Common man against corruption

India is witnessing the fight against the common public and the government. Over the years India is called as the largest democracy of the world but today with the arrest of Anna Hazare, this has proved that common man in India has no right to raise their voice. The common man, who choose their representatives are not willing to support the common man against corruption. The political parties are fighting against each other when they are asked in media about the issue and in this process the main issue of corruption is being buried. The common man has no choice to in opting representatives. Now its right time to pass the Jan Lokpal Bill in the parliament and prove that India is always against the corrupt people and corruption.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Step behaviour with North East people

The country which is known for its unity and diversity has failed to accept the people of North East (NE) as part of them. Often there is harassment against the people of NE. The capital city which is a refuge to many people outside the country has failed to accommodate their own countrymen of North East India.

The racist behavior of the people of Delhi against North East (NE) Indian can be seen again as the siblings of Manipur residing in Munirka, South Delhi have been attacked by their neighbour. It is worth notable that violation against NE people is increasing day by day. The capital city which supposes to be the safest place has turned out to be the most dangerous place for NE people who flocked to Delhi for various reasons. The sluggish behavior of Delhi Police in taking strong action against such cases is giving an air to increase such violence against NE people.

When few Indians had to undergo racial discrimination in Australia, it pained the whole county but when the same is happening with the NE people in their own country no one is bothered. The whole country is mum and at their ease. Is this India which propagates its cultural diversity to the world? It is a question to all the Indian whether we are safe in our own country?

Friday, February 25, 2011